Art for bees
Together we can help protect bees and those who live with them. One way to get closer to the subject is through art. We invite you to be part of our gallery with your drawings, prints, sculptures, serigraphs, poems, songs, paintings, photographs, embroidery and what your imagination and creativity desires; in this way you collaborate to show the importance of bees in our daily life.
"More than 75% of the world's agricultural crops are pollinated by bees" Agro-toxics are poisons that endanger the lives of bees and our entire food system and biodiversity oF our planet.
We invite you to send us yours works of art to contacto@abejascine.com to be shared in this gallery for free use by all. READ MORE

Derivada de la iniciativa #ArteParaLasAbejas, los colectivos Cine Inminente y Colectivo 1660 unen fuerzas para convocar la participación a la galería de exposición colectiva #Polinizarte, con la que se busca concientización sobre la protección a las abejas y a polinizadores, para visibilizar los riesgos al ser una especie amenazada y la resistencia de las comunidades mayas. Esta convocatoria recibió 26 obras que conforman esta muestra y participan artistas plásticos y niños interesados en el tema. Esta exposición fue inaugurada el día 31 de julio de 2021 en Tehuacán, Puebla y busca convertirse en una exposición itinerante presencial que acompañe la exhibición del documental "¿Qué les pasó a las abejas?".

Honey Bees production in Mexico is an economic activity that thousands of families depend on, not only in the Yucatan peninsula but in many regions of the country. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mexico is the sixth country producing honey and occupies the third position in exports of the so-called "liquid gold", so the protection of this pollinator and beekeeping is an issue of vital importance for beekeeping communities, and in the same way we must take into account the great diversity of bee species in Mexico (which represents 10 percent of known species in the world). Thanks to this diversity of bees we have a valuable and an essential environmental service to our ecosystems.
The UN declared May 20 as World Bee Day for the bees being one of the most important pollinator species, for the threats they face and their contribution to a sustainable development.